tel.: 32- 32 42 200 | e-mail:
flaga ue


The Research and Supervisory Centre of Underground Mining performs research, assessments and opinions on the basis of official authorizations regarding the area of the company’s activities.

Authorization from the President of the State Mining Authority of January 17, 2014 to perform research and opinions (regulation of the Minister of Economy of 28the Jun 2002), with regard to:
• ropes for mining hoisting equipment,
• bearing suspensions for cages and skips as well as suspensions for mining ropes,
• shaft hoists,
• hoisting cages and skips,
• rope driving and reactive pulleys,
• hoisting and winding machinery,
• hoist towers and shaft overheads
• devices intended for use in explosive atmospheres
• pressure equipment, cableways, and special transportation facilities that are exploited in underground mining plants, including equipment for overhead transport as well as self-powered ones for transportation of working staff.

Authorization from the President of the State Mining Authority of July 15, 2013 with regard to:
• investigation for methane hazard, including rock and methane outbursts that serve as the background for classifying the coal seams and their parts, working and goafs to relevant class of hazards,
• examination for possible methane hazard in non-methane seams and panels,
• investigation to specify methane bearing capacity of coal seams, predicting methane content in the extraction coal faces and road workings in the unrecognized areas of seams,
• releasing opinions about technical designs related to extraction of coal seams that are classified to II – IV category of methane hazard and located within border adjacent regions of mining enterprises without leaving border pillars unmined,

CBiDGP is authorized to make tests and assessments of products, which can be used after issuing an admission with regard to safety (Council Directive of 30th April 2004 (official gazette "Dziennik Ustaw" No 99, item 1003).

Authorization from the State Provincial Sanitary Inspector No 7/2007 with regard to standardized designations for consumable water.

Authorization of the Transport Technical Supervision No TDT-N-54/03 to carry out:
• overhauls of braking systems, splicing the ends of ropes for cableways and ski-lifts.

Certificate of Recognition in the scope of welding activity issued by Instytut Spawalnictwa, Polish Welding Centre of Excellence.

Certificate of Recognition for the laboratory of the Centre for Expert Assessment and Supervising the Mining Equipment on compliance with the standard PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025 as well as requirements of Technical Conditions imposed by Technical Surveillance No DT-L/95.


CBiD 43-143 Lędziny, ul Lędzińska 8,
tel.: 32- 32 42 200, fax: 32-32 42 205
e-mail: cbid(at)

Godziny urzędowania: 7.00 - 15.00

NIP: PL6460008992, Regon: 271187920
SR w Katowicach, Wydz. Gosp. Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego nr KRS 0000067459

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